Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Ahmad Dahlan Institute of Technology and Business, Indonesia.

2 Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia.


The percentage of production and utilization of hydrocarbon resources from the livestock sector has raised concerns regarding the worldwide issue of global warming. A total of CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation and waste management has been estimated at 78.3 %. Meanwhile, N2O emissions are 75-80 % of total agricultural emissions. This raises questions about the extent of global warming due to increased CO2 resulting in changes in weather and global warming. This research aims to predict Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from manure management and present policy alternatives for Indonesian livestock development. Secondary data was taken from a related website ( with coverage throughout Indonesia from 1961 to 2021, containing 12,480 rows and 5 column features including item, Element, Year, Unit, and Value emission. LSTM and GRU are used to predict the trend of emission from manure management to provide alternative policies on greenhouse gas mitigation in Indonesia. The results showed that based on 15 types of livestock that emit GHG emissions, 3 types of livestock produce the highest emissions from 1961 to 2021: (a) cattle, (b) cattle and non-dairy, and (c) poultry. Significant reduction in the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2eq) in 2020 is indicated by reduced public consumption and hampered supply chains with large-scale social restrictions (covid-19 pandemic policy). Based on these results, fertilizer storage duration can be used as a policy to reduce CO2eq emissions, hence it is desired that fertilizer management techniques can be properly regulated. Mitigation can also be accomplished by utilizing livestock waste as biogas and upgrading animal feed additives with chitosan or potassium nitrate.


Main Subjects

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