Document Type : Research Note


Department of Agricultural Machinery Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, University of Tehran, Karaj, Alborz, Iran.


The orientation of greenhouses is one of the effective factors in terms of radiation they receive. In the present study, a multi-span greenhouse (40 m × 93.5 m with a coverage area of 5457.44 m2) located in the central region of Iran was investigated in three orientations including: North-South (N-S), East-West (E-W), and Northeast-Southwest (NE-SW: the most frequent orientation of the existing greenhouses in the study area). The solar irradiation received on the outside surface of the greenhouse cover and the amount of irradiation captured inside the greenhouse for each orientation during the cold season were calculated using mathematical modeling and the results were compared. According to the results, in the E-W orientation, the main sections of receiving solar irradiation, such as the south and north roofs, have a better angle toward the sun; therefore, the quantity of solar irradiation captured inside the greenhouse with the E-W orientation was on average 361.48 MJ day-1 more than that with the N-S orientation. The north wall of the greenhouse could not receive the beam radiation for all the orientations investigated, and the total irradiation captured by this section was composed of the diffused radiation and the ground-reflected radiation, which is an important result for insulation of some surfaces of greenhouses.


Main Subjects

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