Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Excellence on Applied Electromagnetic Systems, School of Electrical and Computer, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad branch, Islamic Azad Universi ty, Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran


Pitch control is one of t he  major aspects of wind turbine control, particularly over high wi nd s p e e d  a n d  oscillations. General El e c t r i c  (GE) model of  wi n d  t ur bi ne  i s practically compatible with the structure of the wind turbines. I t  h a s  b e e n  p r o v e d t h a t  simulation results using this model are closer to the actual case, compared to other available models. Therefore, in this paper the GE model is used to evaluate the eff ectiveness of  three different controllers including Fuzzy controller, self-organized Fuzzy controller (SOFC) and PI controller i n pitch control of  the wi nd turbine. Afterward, the results of the controller applications as well as the no controller case in t h e  pitch control are compared. The results show a better performance of SOFC in damping the oscillations and overshoot of the wind turbine shaft speed. Finally,
electrical power limit and converter cost, the economic analysis of pitch controller application are carriedout. It is shown that the application of  the SOFC results are around $142,646 saving.


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